Thursday, 24 October 2013

Being Grateful and showing Courage

 I love this interview with Malala Yousafzai, a girl who was not much older than you, who was shot in by the Taliban for her blogs about the importance of girls education.


"We don't know the importance of things until they are snatched from our hands...." - What do you think that means? Can you think of things in your life you take for granted?

"You must not treat others with cruelty and harshly. You must fight others but through peace, dialogue and education." How do you think Malala  shows courage. Have you seen someone show courage and strength this week? How have they done that? Did you tell them about it?


  1. Teah and Rosalie.25 October 2013 at 12:02

    Hey Miss Thompson

    1. We think she shows courage by saying and explaining why she started blogging and stuff.
    2.No not that we know off.

    From Teah and Rosalie

  2. Dear Stephanie,
    Yes I do think things in our life are taken for granted. Like, you don't know how important something is until you lose it. I think Malala shows courage by not threatening the Taliban. No I haven't seen anyone who showed courage and strength this week.

  3. Hi Stephanie,

    We think that Malala is a really good encouraging person to others.

    We think Malala shows courage because she talks good to others with respect and encouraging words.
    Yes we have seen heaps of people encouraging each other and being respectful like when we had that activity yes and then...It encouraged us to not be shy.


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