Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Home Learning - Dear Photograph

Our Huia Home Learning Tasks can be found here.

Dear Photograph

This online project (http://dearphotograph.com) gives students the chance to showcase a favourite or meaningful moment captured on film and taking a picture of the picture in (ideally) the same spot as the original photo was taken then writing a short letter about why the memory was chosen.

Your job is to choose a favourite snapshot and try to take a picture the photo in same spot. Don’t worry if your photo was taken overseas or the place has changed. You could take the photo of you holding the photo if you can’t go back to the original place.You also need to write a paragraph (at least three sentences) explaining why you chose that memory.

Please submit your homework via flickr (our photosharing site). Please email your photo to mash43pose@photos.flickr.com as an attachment. Put your name in the subject line and then type your paragraph into the email. Make sure you have permission of other people in your image.   Talk to your teacher early on if you do not have access to a device to take digital photos (a camera phone would do) or if you can’t email your photo.

Look at the two examples of 'Dear Photographs' to get an idea of the project.

Dear photograph

Dear photograph
Dear Photograph

This is my little sister and I on her first day of school. She was so excited to wear her uniform for the first time but I was a bit nervous about being in a new class and having a new teacher. Many years later, I still feel a bit nervous on the first day of school.
Dear Photograph
I still remember how much fun it was to have my cousin visit me in Wellington during the school holidays. We ran up down stopping at the Bucket Fountain to splash each other. Cuba street might have changed a lot in 20 years but I still like hanging out with my cousin during school holidays.


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