Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Quadblogging up a storm

Room 15 loves quadblogging. Here we we are answering our 8C Happenings quadblogging survey.

How are you enjoying quadblogging?

Would you recommend it to other classes?


  1. Hi Room 15,

    I've enjoyed quad blogging with your class. Thank you for filling out our survey so we get to know you a bit better. I would recommend quad blogging to other classes because it's a great way to know what's happening in other countries and also you get to know new people.

    Charlotte 8C, Selwyn House, Christchurch, New Zealand

  2. Hi Room 15,

    You have some great devices there! It is great to see you using a variety of mobile learning tools. Do you bring them from home or does your school provide them?

    We are loving quadblogging. It is so great to have an audience for our blog and get suggestions from others about our learning. We also love seeing what other classes are up to and giving you feedback. That's what being a good digital citizen is all about isn't it? Sometimes, in a busy day it is really hard to find time to make comments but it really is great to open the blog and see comments!

    We really loved your responses to our googledoc too. We made lots of connections through that.

    Have a great day, R15.

    Mrs C-M


Hi Room 15 welcomes quality comments from people that help push our learning forward. If you want to learn how to make a quality comment, please visit our quality commenting checklist page